Keith LeRacc
Lanturn's Angler
RoosterTeeth / DEATH BATTLE!
“Conformity is the ape of harmony.”
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bill Cipher, the equilateral abomination plaguing Gravity Falls.
Discord, the epitomic spirit of chaos and resident of Equestria.
Chaos is not just a force; it's an art form—a symphony of unpredictability, an ode to the unstructured. For some, it's a way of life. A philosophy. A raison d'être. For these two wily tricksters, it is all of the above. Meet Bill Cipher and Discord, two entities who thrive on twisting reality until it's just another closed book for the shelf. These masters of mayhem to the nth degree are here to defy expectations, question our perceptions, and, most importantly, put on a show you won't forget. They won the Champion Poll for a reason. Will Bill Cipher's dimensional dominance set Discord's fate in stone again? Or will the ethereal essence of entropy be Bill's worst nightmare? We're Point Five Blogs. And we're braving the madness to see who would triumph in a DEATH BATTLE!
Before We Start…
This blog post is a bonus installment, presenting an actual matchup for Death Battle Season 10. We are showcasing this matchup alongside the G1^2 prediction blog. The original G1 blog is sidestepping this matchup due to a variety of complex issues, so we both deem it necessary to offer our own predictions to fill this gap and provide readers with multiple perspectives and arguments.
As for this blog’s analysis, due to the nature of both characters, they have not shown their maximum potential in their original shows; as a result, we will be utilizing all official materials so long as they don’t conflate with the original canon in terms of feats and abilities.
For Discord we will be using the show, IDW comics, guidebooks, TCG, games, novels, manga, merchandise and developer statements. As for Bill, we will use the show, comics, books, the Cipher hunt, Reddit AMA, and games.
Given Discord has far more material, his side of the blog may be quite a bit more detailed and specific–keep this in mind while reading. Both characters are equally beloved by our team, and even if we did prefer one over the other, we still have a responsibility to be as fair and impartial in our analyses as possible.
We literally have Shark Tale in our lineup; how could we not?
Bill Cipher
“A party that never ends with a host that never dies! No more restrictions, no more laws!”
The town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, is renowned as a hotspot for paranormal activities in the United States. Its mysteries include gnomes, ghosts, the undead, shapeshifters, “manotaurs,” living video game characters, and so much more. Strangely, many of these oddities were unknown to even the residents. That was until the brilliant, investigative mind of Stanford Pines arrived, determined to uncover the reasons behind the town's odd occurrences. Yet even as he unearthed many secrets, a clear answer eluded him---what was causing all of this? While we may never know the true answer, Ford found a potential lead during a cave expedition where he happened upon a painting dating back one billion years; it spoke of a prophecy that Gravity Falls would be plagued by weirdness courtesy of a dream demon summoned via incantation. But when Ford read it aloud, nothing happened. That was until that night when a visitor appeared before him in his dream, promising knowledge of the weirdness of Gravity Falls in exchange for control over his body. This creature, claiming to be a muse, identified himself with a simple name: Bill Cipher. Bill's origin remains unclear; however, we know he hails from the second dimension. Described by Bill as a "flat world with flat minds and flat dreams," he grew weary of its monotony and set it ablaze. After its destruction, Bill settled in The Nightmare Realm, the chaotic nexus of realities, where he rose to power. However, with its lack of consistent physics, it was destined to self-destruct, which Bill became aware of. Determined to continue his reign of chaos, Bill sought a new universe, potentially searching since before the Milky Way's formation. He found a prophecy hinting at the merger of The Nightmare Realm with our world. Throughout history, Bill manipulated countless individuals in his pursuit to become a physical entity and initiate the merger. Many who communicated with Bill faced his wrath, leading to events like the construction of the pyramids and landing on the moon, all in attempts to appease him.
Bill's aspirations took a significant turn when Stanford, in his desperation, summoned him. In their initial interaction, Bill deceitfully promised to aid Stanford's research. However, he cared not for Ford's pursuit of knowledge, only wishing for Stanford to complete the portal facilitating his evil agenda. Upon realizing Bill's deceit, Ford shut it down to stall Bill's plans. But it wasn't without a cost, for Stan ended up trapped inside the Nightmare Realm, now traversing the multiverse for a way home. Bill's influence, however, persisted. He was later summoned by Li'l Gideon Gleeful, an adversary of the Pines family, intending to exploit the memories of Stanley Pines, Stanford's twin. Encountering the younger Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel, as well as their friend Soos, in Stan's mind, Bill eventually retreated, recognizing their potential usefulness. Stanley, in secrecy, managed to repair and reactivate the damaged portal, bringing his estranged yet beloved brother back. Unfortunately, Stanley's the street-smart to Ford's book-smart, so the repairs were shoddy. The poor craftsmanship meant Stanford's return created a Dimensional Rift as a side effect, granting Bill potential access to our world.
While Ford took measures to protect the Mystery Shack from Bill's influence, Bill soon found another pawn in time-traveler Blendin Blandin. Through Blendin, Bill deceived Mabel and obtained the rift, allowing him to manifest physically, initiating the apocalyptic "Weirdmageddon." Bill's spree of destruction was rampant, transforming residents and challenging temporal authorities.
However, as he sought to expand his chaos globally, an unforeseen barrier restricted him to Gravity Falls. In his quest to breach this barrier, Bill captured and interrogated Ford as he knew how to reverse it.
An ensuing battle pitted the residents of Gravity Falls, fortified in a robot made from the Mystery Shack, against Bill. This battle was fruitless, however, as Bill had defeated the "Shacktron" and held the young Pines twins hostage. In exchange for their freedom, Ford relented and allowed Bill to access his mind: a calm, orderly void with a door.
However, it was a trap: Stanley and Ford had swapped clothes at the last second, fooling Bill and leaving him vulnerable in Stan's mind. As Ford readied his memory eraser gun, Grunkle Stan bravely sacrificed his mind, taking the dream demon out with him. This heroism reversed Weirdmageddon and spelled the end of Bill Cipher for good.
…Or did it?
As part of his death throes, Bill Cipher recited an incantation calling on the power of the mysterious legendary being known as "the Axolotl." He invoked its name to shirk the blame, absolving his crime in a different form, in a different time.
So while Bill's story had a clear end, he might one day grace the multiverse once again in a fittingly unpredictable way. Until then, be ready, be calm, and enjoy the more reasonable madness of the everyday world. You never know when you might need to buy gold. BYE!!
“Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! 'Make sense?' Awh, what fun is there in making sense?”
Equestria, a picturesque land of rainbows and festivals, is a haven for unyielding friendship. Yet behind its radiant exterior lie dark tales--from power-hungry unicorns to beastly bugs who fed on love. The largest in Equestria's lore, though, is the one who can warp reality with a mere snap, making him the realm's most enigmatic entity, the Lord of Chaos itself: Discord. But before he was the Czar of Scisms, Discord was a humble draconequus living in the logicless dimension of Chaosville. He lived peacefully until, one day, another draconequus arrived at his house: Cosmos. Cosmos was equally fascinated with chaos as Discord, and the two hit it off without a hitch. They even fell in love, promising to spread madness wherever they went. They went everywhere until one in particular caught their eye: Equestria. Here, Discord "befriended" Princess Celestia and her cohorts, who tolerated him in return. The more he stayed, the more he enjoyed the quaint dimension. His brand of chaos was perfect for it: mess with citizens, make the fun stick for a bit, and leave to look for more fun. Cosmos, on the other hand, took things too far. She was willing to let bystanders get hurt, sometimes intentionally. Discord found a compromise in distracting Cosmos from the Princesses for a while. Unfortunately, Cosmos's influence started unraveling the fabric of reality, so he had no choice but to help banish Cosmos to the stars. As he still loved her, the draconequus took the fall for her. His later reign over Equestria would end via the Elements of Harmony, setting his fate in stone for a millennia. After a thousand years, he would awaken after Celestia and her sister's bond with the Elements faded and a ragtag team of ponies inherited them. Celestia tasked the six to use the Elements to reseal Discord, but it was too late--he stole and hid them in an unknown location. Twilight Sparkle started a hunt for them in the castle's neighboring hedge maze as his riddle's "twists and turns" made them think they were there. But it was all a ruse, and Discord had turned the Mane 6 against each other. Discord had seemingly won and was free to rule Equestria once more, but not for long--Twilight had regained her confidence and restored the memories of her friends, allowing the Elements to function and free Equestria from his tyranny once and for all. However, after some consideration, Celestia decided that Discord would be a powerful asset if he used his powers for good. So she tasked Fluttershy--the Element of Kindness--to reform him. Fluttershy accepted the task, deciding to befriend Discord. The plan ultimately worked as he never had a friend who loved him unconditionally. Full reformation, however, still took some time. He was once again an occasional nuisance, annoying others for fun. Discord would later learn his lesson after being assigned a task by Celestia: detect and capture Lord Tirek. Upon finding the centaur, he ultimately swayed the draconequus into betraying Ponykind. After Tirek decided Discord was useless to him, He handed him an Uno reverse card and betrayed him. Shaken, Discord realized that nothing is worth more than true friendship. His new outlook aided Twilight in reigniting the power of friendship to defeat Tirek. He was willing to be a better friend, not for Fluttershy but for all of Equestria. Moons later, Celestia announced that Twilight would inherit Equestria. Discord formulated a plan to help Twilight get the confidence to keep the country safe: he retrieved the three worst villains in Equestria under the guise of Grogar, Equestria's first ruler, and have them find an ancient artifact. This plan, of course, backfired. After retrieving the artifact, the baddies drained Discord's magic and took over Equestria. Discord was down but not out; he later outsmarted Lord Tirek, freeing his friends and letting them escape to help defeat the Legion of Doom. Twilight called her loved ones, Discord included. Her bonds with them powered her and the other Mane 5 to defeat the three. Discord later joined Celestia and Luna in sealing the Legion into one large statue. Except this time, he helped by his own volition. Discord was finally revered, and Equestria lived in harmony for decades. However, a sinister pony threatened to disrupt order by encouraging the ponies to discriminate against each other. To stop this, Twilight bound Equestria's magic into three gems--the Unity Crystals. As long as they were together and all lived in peace, magic would thrive. Over a century later, the Unity Crystals separated among the three races, who went their separate ways. Magic vanished as a result, so a pony named Sunny Starsprout teamed up with friends to restore the Crystals. Discord worried that the return of magic would again ruin harmony, so he stole one of the crystals with plans to destroy it. Sunny and her friends stopped Discord, reminding him that the magic of friendship was what he and his long-passed loved one advocated for. Fluttershy left a posthumous message reminding him to stay strong. He then agreed to restore the Unity Crystals, ready to return to loving life as his old self did. Whether good or bad, Discord will always be himself: a force of nature bent on spreading mischief wherever he goes. Any threat to Equestria should be aware of the Lord of Lunacy's presence; if they try to hurt those he loves, they best yield at the scent of chocolate rain. Some stay dry and others feel the pain.
Experience & Skill
Bill Cipher
While he may be powerful, the most feared aspect of Bill Cipher is his intelligence and charisma. He's an ancient entity well over 1 trillion years of age. In that time, he adapted to and conquered the Nightmare Realm, the central hub of the multiverse characterized by its wildly unstable physics. He's also spent more than a billion years meticulously observing the universe, allowing him to amass a vast trove of information, ranging from the personal names, thoughts, secrets, and fears of countless beings to broader mysteries like the origins of UFOs, the purpose behind Stonehenge, and the truth of JFK's assassination. In addition to his vast knowledge, Bill is an unparalleled genius in mathematics and technology. He understands and can manipulate advanced interdimensional tech, as evidenced by how he helped Ford salvage the UFO in Crash Site Omega for parts. But he's not just book-smart; he's a master of deception and manipulation as well. Bill's led humanity astray for millennia, prompting them to construct grand structures and sow prophecies that serve his interests. Bill also managed to deceive Ford--who has 12 PhDs--into believing the portal's purpose was merely to unravel the oddities of Gravity Falls. In reality, Bill aimed to use it to invade and take over the universe.
Discord's goofy nature and disorganized appearance belies an extreme level of intelligence. He can perform complex mathematical calculations that would normally be presumed impossible, like when he calculated how he flew to a destination so fast he arrived in a negative amount of time.
He is also a master at deception and trickery, such as when his riddles convinced Twilight to think he hid the Elements of Harmony in a maze and that they were disguised as her friends' cutie marks. However, it was all a ruse, as he never actually hinted at them being in the labyrinth in the first place.
In one particular feat, when Fluttershy was tasked with reforming Discord, Twilight Sparkle believed her job was too daunting and secretly checked her library for a reformation spell. However, Discord knew of this plan, and thus the princess-to-be failed to consider the possibility of him eating the pages in her books containing reforming spells.
Twilight is an immeasurably smart pony, too. She could construct an interdimensional portal in seconds using a magic book and mere scraps, and at one point calculated every possibility in all conceivable realities in an evening (as well as how to handle them).
Bill Cipher
The dude's weird. And while I mean that in the "dude needs to get therapy" way, I also mean it literally; he is an unlimited source of pure chaos and madness with the primary ability to completely warp reality in any way he desires.
It's unknown if this ability is native to his species or if he acquired it after destroying his homeworld. Either way it relies on magic, and he's one of the most formidable reality-warpers in animation history. He can control gravity, alter cause and effect, and create tears in the fabric of the multiverse just as a side effect of Weirdmageddon.
During Weirdmageddon, the rift between the Nightmare Realm and Dimension 46'\ caused waves of pure weirdness to occasionally pulse through Gravity Falls, creating and altering various things. For example, Soos's abuela was transformed into a talking chair after being exposed.
Like a twisted djinn, Bill can strike deals with people in order to let him take control of their body, minds, or whatever else he might want. With a flaming open hand out, those who foolishly shake his hand be will subject to Bill's deals
The deal can be practically anything, from relaying the numbers to a safe to finding specific formulae. However, deals can either fail or be cut short, eliminating the terms of the agreement.
Mind Delving
Without the rift in space-time being opened, Bill could not access Gravity Falls directly from the Nightmare Realm. Instead, he found a shortcut by projecting himself into the mindscapes of those unconscious. This can be achieved either when someone is asleep, idly dozing off, or summoning him. For the latter, the following mantra must be said in a candle-lit ritual:
When Bill enters the mind, everything becomes monochrome and time slows to a halt. He can manipulate the dream environment from within, even retaining his powers. Bill is most vulnerable here, however, as any mind-manipulating abilities can cause his powers to fluctuate or even fail, and wiping the inhabited's memories will erase him outright.
Matter Manipulation
Bill Cipher has a profound ability to manipulate matter down to the molecular level. He can turn living beings into inanimate gold or other inorganic materials with relative ease, and can even disassemble and reconstruct objects at will.
Biological Manipulation
If your body's a temple, Bill is its contractor. Bill Cipher can control living beings' biology, such as his horrifying penchant for altering people's organs (shown above, sorry if you were eating). He can even cause superficial changes, such as turning a cute little girl into an ugly, big-headed ogre.
One of his favorite abilities. Bill can create flames to burn things around him, ranging from a spot on the floor to an entire town, with little effort. It's also suggested he burnt his entire dimension down, though it's unclear if this is an extension of his ability or entirely unrelated.
IT'S ALIVE! Bill can grant sentience to all or part of an object, turning them into weird monsters that can do his bidding. However, anything that can negate or absorb Bill's magic will de-animate the item in question.
Another commonly-used ability. Bill can display images either through his body, eye, or a hologram. These images can be in full-color and even in 3D. More impressively, he can become a living Zoom call and communicate between mindscapes (shown above).
What self-respecting heir of oddness wouldn't be able to move stuff with their minds? Bill can passibly pick things up and manipulate them while in mid-air, even using this ability to immobilize foes.
A lesser-used ability. Cipher has shown that he can teleport to and fro if he desires, though to what extent is unknown. We do know that, for reasons elaborated upon later, he cannot directly enter other dimensions this way.
As a semi-corporeal being, Bill's body can recover from most if not all forms of physical damage. He can shatter himself completely, endure holes in his body, and get his eye mutilated. Even his "hat," as shown above, can regrow its cellular structure in an instant.
Astral Projection
As he couldn't travel to other dimensions normally, Bill found a way to project his consciousness into the minds of others' inhabitants, leaving his physical body behind.
His astral self seemingly cannot interact with anything in outside of the mindscape or dream world, however. This leaves Bill vulnerable, as his body remains as a dark stone statue.
Soul Removal
As part of a deal with Dipper Pines, Bill decided he wanted a puppet--him. Thus, he yoinked the boy's soul right out of his body, leaving a husk for Bill to inhabit. The disembodied spirits themselves can re-enter their original body if their inhabitor makes them pass out, however.
Bill has duplicated himself at least once in the series. It's unknown if these duplicates share all of his characteristics, but they can at least fly and speak independently. He has also used this defensively, "wrapping" himself around the Shacktron to evade an attack.
Time itself can bend to Cipher's will. He can slow down or stop it entirely, with particular proficiency showcased in the Mindscape. He can presumably apply time selectively, as clocks and birds can stop while everyone else remains as is.
Fourth Wall Breaking
He may look odd (and yet strangly adorable) by default, but Bill can become even stranger by shaping his body into anything (or anyone) he desires. He can also alter his normal self's properties, such as adding body parts, thickening his figure, or growing to kaiju or even cosmological scales.
Bill Cipher can possess individuals. He usually puppets the bodies of willing hosts, but consent for this is optional. During possession, the host's eyes turn yellow and may take on that iconic Alex Hirsch voice we all know and love.
Letting Bill control your body is, all in all, a terrible idea; frequent possession led Ford to grow paranoid and reclusive, and in general it can cause hallucinations, migraines, and hemorrhaging.
While Bill is in full control of the host, he's also vulnerable to their physical pain. This is bad for him as, if the host faints, he'll eject from their body.
Bill seems to leave behind a "possession fingerprint," allowing users of certain abilities to see who Bill has possessed prior. An incantation is the best way to do this:
Videntis omnium. Magister mentium.
Magnesium ad hominem.
Magnum opus.
Habeus corpus.
Inceptus Nolanus overratus.
Magister mentium. Magister mentium. Magister mentium
Corruption/Madness Manipulation
Just a small peek of the Nightmare Realm in which Bill resides was enough to turn Fiddleford MacGucket--a stable genius comparable to Stanford Pines--into an insane hillbilly. Bill can also create bubbles of pure weirdness that can turn regular people crazy with just a graze.
To an extent, Bill can conjure different items out of nowhere. These include living tissue, like "a head that's always screaming." This ability was also used to create the Fearamid, which was the size of a large building.
Energy Constructs
Bill is capable of projecting energy in the forms of solid constructs such as chains to bind entities, large cages, and invisible forcefields to protect his eye.
Perhaps the most vague and debatable among Bill's powers. While he eroded inside Stanley's mind, Bill uttered the following phrase:
This phrase was actually a backmasked cry for help invoking the name of the cosmically powerful Axolotl. In a small poem, this deified salamander revealed that doing so "shirke{d Bill's} blame" and would let him appear in "a different form, a different time."
This form, however, was an eternal punishment: Bill was doomed to live for all of eternity in a cosmic time loop of which he'd never escape, where he would relive every moment from when he was first summoned by Gideon to the moment he died. The only surefire way to escape this trap? Having someone be willingly possessed by Bill while watching the series on DVD.
Other Abilities
- Probability Perception: Bill can see all probabilities of an event occuring in the present should he choose to. Given he's been surprised and outscmarted in the past, it's likely this is an active process.
- Spatial Manipulation: Bill can open wormholes across relatively short distances, and has stated he controls space.
- Intangibility: His body and hands can phase through most material, including living tissue.
- Sleep Inducement: When he first initiated Weirdmageddon, Bill instantly put Mabel to sleep.
- Electricity Manipulation: Bill can attack using bolts of electricity generated from his body.
- Weather Manipulation: Bill has stated he "can do better" about the weather, and at one point he created a small storm in the Fearamid that shot out lightning.
- Precognition: While he hasn't shown this combatively, Bill has shown that he can see certain aspects of the future, such as when he predicted that Ford would die of a heart attack at 92 years old.
- Organic/Matter Manipulation: Only applicable in his Mindscape and astral forms. In these states he exists as a being of pure energy and lacks a fully corporeal body.
- Logic/Probability Manipulation: Bill exists in a "state of quantum uncertainty." His physical body could only be destroyed outside the Mindscape via a quantum destabilizer.
- Time/Spatial Manipulation: His mastery over both time and space naturally lends him this.
- Physics Manipulation: Bill can exist just fine in the Nightmare Realm, which fluctuates in its own physical laws.
- Extreme Temperatures and Radiation: Bill can survive in the vacuum of space with no need for air.
- Pain and Fatigue: Bill has a high pain tolerance in his physical form, and he was unfamiliar with pain and exhaustion while inhabiting Dipper Pines.
- Corruption/Madness Manipulation: He's already insane as it is, and he's easily adapted to the lawless Nightmare Realm.
Draconequus Physiology
Draconequi are abstract spiritual beings that use magic based on a concept that they're molded after. Biologically, they are part pony with and part... well, many other creatures, often varying in appearance. Draconequi are also capable of flight, either through floating or any applicable wings. In Discord’s case, he’s a hybrid of a pony and the following:
- Deer and antelope (horns)
- Snake (tongue)
- Donkey (mane)
- Lion, eagle (arms)
- Bat, bird (wings)
- Goat (facial hair, left leg)
- Unknown reptile (right leg)
- Dragon (tail, possibly body)
Chaos Magic
Chaos magic is an extremely powerful form of magic, so potent that only other draconequi can control it effectively (Pinkie Pie too, but she already defies most logic). It essentially lets Discord rip the very fabric of reality, rewriting even the laws of physics to his whim. He can create, alter or remove gravity, realize the edge of the screen, and even turn all things opposite to itself with ease.
Matter Manipulation
Discord's magic can reshape matter down to at least the molecular level, letting him transfigure or alter practically anything. He can turn stone into quicksand, make candy clouds that rain sweets, transmute living beings to objects, freeze lakes, grow items in size, and even petrify others into solid stone for a killing blow.
He can also alter the properties of some objects, too, such as when he drank a literal glass of chocolate milk, leaving the milk itself to explode off-screen, and control elements like water, earth, fire, and air.
Biological Manipulation
Remember how he turned Big Mac into a trombone? Well, Discord can transfigure living organisms as well. He can grow plants out of nowhere, increase animals' size, and alter organisms' properties. Even partial transformations are possible, such as giving rabbits giraffe legs. This can even be used offensively, puppeting bodies, regressing enemies into kids or outright removing body parts.
Discord can even create and inflict diseases, such as when he gave himself a "blue flu," with symptoms such as violent sneezes and a sickly blue color. It was highly contagious, spreading to Applejack and Rarity with just one sneeze. Although Princess Cadence's magic detected the illness as legitimate, Discord was revealed to have feigned illness the whole time. This implies he can simply create diseases out of nowhere and cure them lickity-split.
Spatial Manipulation
Discord has, to some extent, manipulated the very fabric of space itself, either to conceal himself like a shower curtain or as a way to teleport to and fro. He at one point even hid a stray cloud by pulling up the show itself and stuffing it behind the screen. He may also use his claws or talons to tear a hole right through space into another dimension, as well as transmute space into objects like a door (as shown prior).
Going from Palkia to Dialga, Discord can passively reverse others' actions, project himself and others to a point in the past, and of course travel to the distant future and "all over space-time." At one point he even conjured a massive time machine that was actually smaller on the inside. It could also go into the future as well as to the past, including the dinosaur era.
Discord cannot change the past directly via time travel, however; the past is already set in stone, and going to the past makes it your present. This can be bypassed if Discord takes items directly from the past, causing the timeline to adjust accordingly (although he himself is unaffected--more on that later).
It should be noted that Starlight Glimmer’s time-traveling spell still follows this principle. Spike, Twilight and her were in the past while the timeline in the present was still the same; The timeline only adjusted when the spell was used to travel forward and backwards from the new presents they had created with each alteration.
Mind Control / Manipulation
Discord has shown potent mind-controlling abilities throughout the franchise. Primarily, he uses them to hypnotize or control others. He can make animals talk or become aggressive, put others to sleep and memory-wipe them, alter one's perception of reality, or straight-up reverse one's personality.
His own mind even has some self-made security: He has mental locks that can keep others from entering his mind, and can even nullify any mindscraper's powers.
Much like his opponent, Discord can learn practically anything if he chooses to. He can quickly discern a person's strengths and potential, detect imbalances in the flow of magical energy, and hear calls for him while out of sight. Combined with his intelligence, this level of perception makes Discord practically nigh-omniscient.
One of Discord's most-used abilities. Discord can use the common magical art of teleportation, where an object or creature uses magic to instantly pop from one place to another. Advanced teleportation users can even track others as they teleport.
The possibilities of Discord's teleportation seem limitless. He can teleport across entire countries, appear behind people in hammerspace, instantly return where he was prior, and emerge from locations too small to contain his regular size. Discord's home, Chaosville, is a parallel dimension, and he can traverse there with ease as well.
Most impressively, he can access extrafictional realities and make references to them due to his nature as a transdimensional being. He's implied to have "tricked out" the Alice in Wonderland, Marvel and DC continuities and is even a regular visitor at Macaddam's Old Oil House (bottom-left) from the Transformers multiverse. This is corroborated on TF's side by the official "Ask Vector Prime" Facebook account, where Sideways claims to have drunk with Discord.
Draconequi like Discord are spiritual entities not made of normal matter, and thusly are able to outright phase through walls, the ground, or other objects at will.
Another ability common to magic users, especially unicorns and draconequi. By channeling magic through their bodies, certain creatures can directly manipulate the environment around them as dexterously as a human hand can.
Discord has shown quite the capacity for this, able to move multiple things without much thought. He can also damage objects directly, such as tearing a letter open.
You can run, but he can hide. Discord can use his transmutation abilities on himself, turning him into anything he wants and adopting their properties. He can change outfits, mimic other creatures, and even "overshadow" objects by putting all or part of his body in place of them. This ability also extends to controlling his body; he can change size, grow extra body parts, stretch himself, and move his parts around.
He can create identical clones of himself with all his powers, which may appear suddenly and will operate independently, even coming up with their own ideas to relay to the original. Discord can also replicate inanimate objects and even living creatures with ease. When he's done with them, these clones can simply vanish from thin air as if they weren't there at all.
Discord has a nearly limitless ability to conjure both ordinary and bizarre items from thin air, like a disco ball, bananaphone, and large sums of money. He can also create living creatures, such as literal bugbears.
IT'S ALSO ALIVE! Under Discord's influence, ordinary objects can animate and act on his command. He's given life to celestial bodies, paintings, and even suits of armor. He can also add specific properties to these items, like singing ginseng or gremlin apples that can combine into kaiju. This process can, of course, be reversed.
Discord can erase or damage nearly anything, including large structures like volcanoes or living things like vines. He can also remotely break objects from far away.
Discord is extremely hard to kill by any conventional means. He can be bisected, lit aflame, decapitated, shattered to pieces, turned to stone & rubble, and even be reduced to dust or to thin air.
Astral Projection
If his physical body is destroyed or banished, Discord can project his soul into the physical realm, still retaining his abilities.
Fourth Wall Breaking
I believe this is where I come in! Yes, I'm more than capable of seeing and talking to you all. Being aware means I get to see your reactions when I so mercilessly whoop this incomparably insignificant piece of triangular Tumblr-bait back to his dimension.
Conceptual Manipulation
Remember how Discord is the concept of chaos itself? Well, he can actually change that, too. One night, Twilight and her friends scolded the draconequus after he tried interrupting a highly-anticipated syzygy. Downtrodden, he thought that he would never truly fit in with his friends and thus transformed into an egg.
When it hatched, Discord emerged as a completely different concept: order. However, "Accord" grew too obsessed with his concept, so Twilight and Luna delved into his mind and discovered that in order for Accord to change back, he must personally agree to it.
Reality Creation
Discord can create entire realities, ranging in size from a simple room to a whole universe. He can even bring outsiders into these worlds and grant them special powers. Discord has total control over these realm, able to control time and determine fate from within.
These worlds are physically tangible as characters can feel real pain. He can even customize these realities for specific scenarios, easily changing the theme with a snap.
Plot Manipulation
As if his powers weren't out-there already! Our favorite draconequus can control the very narrative he's in. One time, he altered the plot of a manga his friends were in to a multitude of genres. He undid these changes later with nopony any the wiser.
In one the spin-off comics, he even pulled a Dr. Doom and halted the story itself to excise dialogue, even chatting with the comic's editor while doing so.
Other Abilities
- Dimensional Reduction: A form of transmutation. Discord can passively reduce the dimensional structure of something, as shown when he turned multiple 3D houses into 2D cutouts.
- Projection: Discord can project illusions, false futures, past events, and even parts of his essence, as well as move around in his own stylized depictions.
- Energy Projection: He can also shoot freakin' lasers! A rarely-used ability, yet nonetheless notable.
- Magic Detection: Discord is able to detect imbalances in the flow of magic, something vital to finding Tirek.
- Color Manipulation: Discord can alter existing colors and is even implied to be able to create new ones. He once activated a spell that drained all color in the world.
- Sonokinesis: On one occasion, Discord made floorboards creak loudly.
- Sealing: He has shown that he can seal enemies with BFR, like with Cosmos and the Legion of Doom.
- Extreme Temperatures: He can survive in the vacuum of space, and was completely fine standing in lava and lighting his ears aflame.
- Intimidation: Has laughed off "The Stare," a powerful intimidation technique used by Fluttershy to control animals and, on one occasion, sapient changelings.
- Corruption/Madness Manipulation: Spending time in Chaosville--where he lives--can drive others to insanity. He should also upscale from Celestia, who also resists corruption.
- Existence Erasure: His conceptual nature, astral self and regeneration should give him this.
- Conceptual Manipulation: As shown with Accord, Discord can switch concepts as long as he agrees to do so willingly.
- Probability Manipulation: As a being of chaos, he exists outside of logic. This means luck-based magic fails on him.
- Timeline/Causality Manipulation: His chaotic aura negates direct changes to the timeline.
- Transmutation: His shapeshifting abilities should grant this. He was once turned into a dog only to instantly revert back later.
- Mind Control: Discord's mind is locked to prevent outside interference unless he allows it.
- Sleep Inducement: Discord could observe the world around him even while forced into a stone-sleep spell.
- Magic Manipulation: Discord is stated to be affected differently than most creatures, something corroborated by Twilight's failsafe spell having zero effect on his reality warping. He also had little to no effect when interacting with The Smooze, whose slime could negate even Celestia's magic.
Bill Cipher
An absolutely dapper cane to go with his hat and bowtie. Aside from it being a blunt object, it seems not to serve much purpose in combat. He mostly uses it to fidget and show off.
Bubble Prison
When Weirdmageddon commenced, Bill confined Mabel within a vast bubble--his "most diabolical trap" yet. This sphere created an expansive illusory realm, tailored to cater to her deepest desires, shielding her from the real world's terrors. The size of this domain appears comparable to that of a small town at its largest, and it can be "popped" from within—such an action would obliterate it entirely. This world is sculpted in line with the individual's personality and desires, even if they don't know what they want yet. The subject can also be granted powers allowing them to control it to some extent. Those who venture inside might find themselves tempted as well, like when Dipper Pines entered and confronted visions of his crush.
However, the illusion isn't perfect. Pointing out inconsistencies within can momentarily disturb its fabric, and those with resolute spirits can withstand its allure and liberate themselves if they decide not to stay. Should this occur, the bubble's entire milieu crumbles.
Bubbles of Pure Madness
As mentioned before, Bill can call forth large bubbles of "pure madness." Being grazed by one can make one crazy enough to rip off your shirt, and inside your perception of reality can alter drastically--in Dipper & Wendy's perspective, their art styles changed.
The Fearamid
A gargantuan floating pyramid Bill raised from the ground. It served as Bill's penthouse of sorts during Weirdmageddon, hosting parties for his friends.
The cane that launched a thousand memes. It's a normal gold scepter in Twilight's image made to honor her ascension to alicornhood. It was last seen in the show in the possession of Lemon Hearts, though its ultimate fate is unknown. It just looks silly, and we like that!
Plunderseeds are magical seeds that Discord enjoys eating. When planted, they quickly root and feed on magic, growing rapidly; a town could be overrun by plundervines in just a day.
These vines have chaotic properties, causing a perpetual half-day, half-night state, producing sticky, thorned clouds and interfering with others' magic. They can perform the through their spores, which can also be fired from facehugger-like maws to suffocate enemies. Physically, plundervines are thick, tough, and can stretch indefinitely.
They are also sentient, avoiding and retaliating against potential threats. Discord can even command them to conquer beings as powerful as Twilight Sparkle and the Two Sisters.
The Bewitching Bell
The Bewitching Bell is an ancient relic once belonging to Grogar, the first emperor of Equestria. It contained most of Grogar's magic, making it vital in Gusty the Great's mission to end the ram's tyranny.
Its main ability is to steal and store magic. Through this, the bell can significantly increase the user's power by withdrawing stored magic. It also has the secondary ability to create large portals, allowing for long-ranged use.
Discord, posing as Grogar, had Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow retrieve it. They betrayed Discord and drained his magic, but were later defeated with the bell being used to restore his and the princesses' magic. Its fate is unknown, but Discord likely still has access to it, given his teleportation powers and prior experience with it.
Chaosville serves as Discord's personal realm, a dimension parallel to the universe yet separate from all conventional logic. This space is intrinsically tied to Discord's immense power and mirrors his chaotic nature.
However, its unique properties also come with vulnerabilities. If a being whose nature aligns with the madness of Chaosville remains within it without Discord's presence, they can form a connection to the realm.
This linkage gradually saps Discord of his power. But If Discord can best the intruder in a "cuckoo cook-off," he can reverse the power drain and reassert his control over Chaosville.
Bill Cipher
Mindscape Form
Physical Form
"Physical form? Don't mind if I do!!"
When Weirdmageddon arrived and began to merge the Nightmare Realm with Gravity Falls, Bill was able to transcend a conscious state and grow a physical body around his soul. He can do everything in this state that he could do before, only this time his physical body grew stronger over time as Weirdmageddon continued to bring in madness.
Bill's physical form carries his superpositional state. This means he can withstand any physical attacks done to him; even if it causes damage, Bill can harmlessly regrow his new organs and tissue.
The only way to kill him while he's in this state is to either destroy his soul outright or disrupt his quantum state, though the latter only works if he's hit dead-center.
- Earth ponies lack wings or a horn, yet make up for it in physical strength and a natural kinship with the land. When the Unity Crystals reunited, earth ponies unlocked their latent abilities to control plants and talk to animals.
- Pegasus ponies, as the name suggests, are gifted with the magic of flight. Pegasi can touch vapors like clouds, which are normally intangible to most ponies. Their best-known ability is control over the weather--Pegasi can make cyclones, cloud-to-ground lightning, and even localized rainstorms.
- Unicorns possess horns that allow them to channel their inner magic to directly manipulate the environment. Their horns are primarily used to pick up and move objects, though many can cast a variety of spells with them, from shields to lasers all the way up to spells that can alter reality.
- Alicorns are the most powerful of all, blending the magic of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns into one. Alicorns are exceedingly rare, with a natural-born alicorn being practically unheard of. They typically ascend from normal ponies after an astounding feat, such as Twilight Sparkle finishing Starswirl the Bearded's spell or Sunny Starsprout reigniting magic through the Unity Crystals.
As part of a convoluted plan to prepare Twilight for future obstacles as the new princess of Equestria, Discord lured numerous villains to retrieve the Bewitching Bell. To do this, he disguised himself as Grogar.
Grogar was the first ruler of Equestria and the "Father of Monsters," giving life to foul beasts. He was stopped by Gusty the Great, a unicorn who stole the Bewitching Bell and hid it in a magic cave atop a hosile mountain.
Grogar possesses what seems to be a kind of dark magic. He can create black gags, binds and shockwaves to incapacitate foes, use his collar to bestow magic to others, and carry items like a unicorn via his horns. Most pertinently, by drawing a sigil on the ground he can resurrect King Sombra, whose very essense was long dispersed by the Crystal Heart.
That's right; he can turn into a transformer. Funniest shit we've ever seen.
Transformers, also called Cybertronians, are a shape-shifting biomechanical alien race from the planet Cybertron, primarily made of a strange living metal. . Their most distinct property is how they can scan objects and morph their forms to resemble them, most of them vehicles, weapons, or animals.
Transformers don't typically need to eat, breathe or drink, but they do consume a fuel called energon, which can be projected into solidified constracts as wireframe containers or, more usefully, melee weapons.
Gravity Falls
Gravity Falls takes place in Dimension 46'\ located within the wider multiverse, which contains an infinite amount of universes. Each universe's laws of physics can be different, even down to the flow of time or number of physical dimensions. Alternate pasts and futures also exist, separate from their parallel.
When something is lost or banished from a universe, it winds up in the Nightmare Realm--Bill's home "sweet" home. It's the nexus of all possible dimensions in the multiverse, existing in between them all. A good way to think of it is like Peach's Castle from Super Mario 64--it's much less a standalone level and moreso a hub world where the true game's worlds are accessed.
The Nightmare Realm's convergent properties makes it extremely unstable; physics breaks down and entities inside are able to follow whatever laws of physics they feel is needed to survive. As a result, it's is doomed to collapse one day, destroying both the realm and anything inside.
In between the Nightmare Realm and a given reality is the Mindscape (or Dreamscape), a subjective realty created in someone's subconscious when they're asleep or unconscious. In the Mindscape, anyone can do anything they'd like, such as give themselves powers or create objects.
The Mindscape's size is unknown, though it at least contains numerous stars. Given the ability to do anything, it's possible it can grow to however big the owner's imagination lets it be--in other words, at most infinite in size.
My Little Pony
(Note: Chaosville is not present in this section as it was discussed in-depth earlier.)
My Little Pony exists as a shared multiverse consisting of an infinite number of parallel universes. While each universe can vary on this, the main canon one seems to follow a geocentric model, where celestial bodies move around the Earth due to the influence of magic from powerful entities. Within the borders of the multiverse is Limbo, a non-reality that exists between all realities where time doesn't flow normally.
Within each inhabitant of the Earth lies a pocket dimension rooted in the mind accessible through certain spells. These mindscapes have physicality to them and can be controlled by whoever they belong to, even down to the properties of any who enter. Each mind has an infinitely long hallway with infinite doors leading to futures caused by by possible choices made in the waking world. The minds of all creatures connect via the dream realm, a nexus of mindscapes accessed by users of specific abilities while the minds' owners sleep. Entities may enter and exit any dream they choose in this realm via portals or doors. The mindscape projected during a dream is also a blend of the past, present and future, holding every conceivable hope and fear. Dreams have also been shown to have pasts unseen by the dream-haver and possibile future realities. pre-existing realities in the multiverse. While only one entity at a time can naturally possess a mindscape, they seem to recurse. Any separate entity in a mindscape has its own mindscape, and a mind-hopping entity can enter their minds so long as they both appear there. It is, however, unknown how much this recursion goes on for.
Bill Cipher
Ascended from and burned down his 2nd-dimensional realm
Gained a physical form and initiated Weirdmageddon
Successfully invaded and took over Gravity Falls, Oregon
Became a feared entity across a wide portion of the multiverse
Ruled time itself without the Time Police interferencing
Observed and influenced Dimension 46'\ for over 1 billilon years
- Lifted the Fearamid from the ground (541 megajoules - 426.2 tons) (Small Building - Multi-City Block+)
- Created a massive crater with a single punch (pictured) (1.1 kilotons - 129.8 kilotons) (Small Town - Large Town)
- Obliterated Time Baby, stated to weigh 9 trillion tons, down to the molecular level (361 tons - 158.1 teratons) (Multi-City Block+ - Large Country)
- Shown to draw a smiley face on North America (317.5 teratons - 340.6 petatons) (Large Country - Multi-Continent)
- Could bite the Earth in half (5.9 - 11.6 zettatons) (Small Planet)
- Rotated the Moon to show his eye (104.6 yottatons) (Large Planet)
- Able to create entire galaxies as gifts (>Galaxy)
- Can grow a human to twice a galaxy's size (118.2 kiloronnafoe - 512 biquettafoe) (Multi-Galaxy to Universal)
- Somehow destroyed his homeworld, the second dimension (Unknown, at most Universal+)
- His death triggered the collapse of the rift in the Nightmare Realm which threatened "the fabric of existence" and could merge the Nightmare Realm with Dimension 46'\ (Low Multiversal)
- This is corroborated by Blendin Blandin, who stated Bill destroyed the universe in his future
Gave a pretty good FNaF impression (223 m/s) (Subsonic+) (pictured)
Can grow a human to twice a galaxy's size (115.2 - 178 billion c) (MFTL+)
Flew from Earth to another galaxy in seconds (10.7 quadrillion c) (MFTL+)
Can visualize "infinite alternate Earths" at once (Immeasurable, possibly Infinite)
His voice "echoed through infinity" (Unknown, at most Infinite)
Regenerated from being grazed by Ford’s Quantum Destabilizer
Blocked and repelled a punch from Dipper Pines, sending him flying
Fine after having a hole punched through his own body
Took Mabel’s grappling hook to the eye
Survived over a trillion years in the Nightmare Realm
Regenerated from being grazed by Ford’s Quantum Destabilizer
Blocked and repelled a punch from Dipper Pines, sending him flying
Fine after having a hole punched through his own body
Took Mabel’s grappling hook to the eye
Survived over a trillion years in the Nightmare Realm
- Awarded the Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage
- Ruled all of Equestria at least once
- Warped Wonderland to his and Cosmos' liking
- Outsmarted Twilight Sparkle and her friends multiple times
- Defeated Pinkie Pie in a "cuckoo cook-off" despite his powers waning
- Helped defeat Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Cosmos
Overpowered Celestia's spell protecting the Elements of Harmony
Pinkie Pie with his magic had enough potency to reshape the entire cosmos
Helped hold back a three-way blast from an amped Legion of Doom
[Grogar] Overpowered Queen Chrysalis, an amped Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow with a fraction of his power
Moved an asteroid fast enough to fly from the Horsehead Nebula to Earth in a short time (pictured) (1.5 - 72.3 million c) (MFTL+)
Reacted to and moved in tandem with the Elements of Harmony's blast
Avoided a direct shot from Megatron's Fusion Cannon in a war between Equestria and Decepticons
Takes a shot from Twilight Sparkle (pictured)
Briefly pushes against a banishment spell from Starlight Glimmer
Presumably survives an explosion of love magic capable of taking out Chrysalis and her throne (26 gigatons) (Island)
The Changeling army been had absorbing love from everyone in Ponyville as well as the alicorn princesses
No-sold an offensive blast from the Elements of Harmony (linked in "Power")
Bill Cipher
“Surrender now, or face my tantrum!”
Time Baby is the tyrannical ruler of the future year starting in 20712 A.D. He is a time giant--the last of his kind, in fact. He holds authority over time, as his name and race suggests. Bill completely destroyed Time Baby down to the molecular level, allowing him to manipulate time without fear of his interference.
- [Power/Durability] Time Baby is stated to weigh 9 trillion tons (55.91 megatons - 3.23 petatons) (City - Multi-Continent)
- [Power] His hover-diaper controls Earth's rotation (≥51.08 exatons) (≥Moon)
- [Power] He drinks from a skyscraper-sized bottle, the resulting burps causing Richter-scale shakes
- Bottle: (8.5 megajoules) (Small Building)
- Burps: (~2 megajoules to 84.8 gigatons) (Wall to Island)
- Its legs withstood Bill Cipher's punch (1.1 kilotons - 129.8 kilotons) (Small Town - Large Town)
- It required so much electricity it could short-circuit Gravity Falls
- The portal's power shook the Nightmare Realm upon activation and threatened to destroy the universe (Unknown, at most Low Multiversal)
- Along with Dipper, survived an explosion caused by Bill (1.6 gigajoules - 2.32 tons) (Building - Large Building)
- [Both] Dodged an electric blast (~Mach 1.6) (Supersonic)
- [Both + Stanley] Survived the blast of light coming from the Interdimensional Portal (Unknown, at most Small Town)
- [Dipper] Along with Ford, survived an explosion caused by Bill (1.6 gigajoules - 2.32 tons) (Building - Large Building)
- [Dipper] Fought on par with the Multi Bear, a fusion of at most eight grizzly bears
- One bear: 36.72 kilojoules, 15.7 - 31.3 m/s (Wall, Superhuman)
- Eight bears: 293.76 kilojoules, 125.2 - 250.3 m/s (Wall, Subsonic - Subsonic+)
- One giant bear: 753.3 kilojoules, 28.8 - 57.3 m/s (Wall, Superhuman - Subsonic)
- Their adhesives can bind a planet and patch rifts in space-time (≥59.4 zettatons) (≥Planet, possibly Universal+)
- Their ship crashing into Earth formed the entire valley of Gravity Falls, Oregon (198 gigatons - 8.5 teratons) (Large Island - Country)
- Can exist in 7 to 11 dimensions at once (heavily debatable, see before verdicts)
- [Rumble McSkirmish] Blew up a car (658.7 kilojoules) (Wall)
- [Manotaur] Can break boulders (17.25 megajoules) (Wall)
"The more who understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we will all be. Together!"
"Friendship is Magic" is a more literal title than you'd think. The very concept of friendship itself is an obscenely powerful form of magic, derived from embracing the truth about what makes people's bonds special.
Discord himself does not fully understand friendship, so it's unlikely he has it as an ability he can use in a fight. However, it's been stated that the Elements of Harmony could only seal Discord in stone due to it being used to undo disorder, and he once even took a hit from and redirected the power of them. This implies he's at least comparable to their power.
- The Elements + Celestia held back and overpowered Nightmare Moon, a stronger form of Princess Luna
- At 5/6ths of their power, amped a human with enough power to tear rifts between two universes and nearly destroy both (Low Multiversal)
- Another human with the same buff easily reversed this (Low Multiversal)
- Raised the Sun every day for roughy 1,111 years. (11.3 - 45.1 megafoes, 79.5 - 159 c) (Multi-Solar System, FTL to FTL+)
- Moved the stars around the Earth in Luna's abscense (1.93 - 31 exafoes, 37 - 149 million c) (Multi-Solar System, MFTL+)
- Assuming Celestia moves the galaxy as well: (611 ronnafoe - 271.7 quettazettafoe, 17 million - 364 billion c) (Multi-Galaxy - Universal, MFTL+)
- Reformatted dreams across Ponyville and Canterlot with all her magical strength (Multiversal+, Infinite to Immeasurable)
- Fought Nightmare Moon one-on-one
- Her magic substituted for the Crystal Heart in times of crisis, though maintaining this for days wore her out
- Gained authority over celestial bodies like her predecessors (Multi-Solar System to Universal, MFTL+)
- Pushed back Discord's reality bubble as it grew (Unknown, likely Universal+)
- While evil, calculated single posible outcome of an evening in every conceivable reality (≥MFTL+, likely Infinite)
- Directly fought alternate versions of Celestia and Luna, causing damage to the main universe's versions
- Flew comparably to Nightmare Moon and Celestia
- Blitzed and knocked a tooth out of an amped Tirek
- Struggled against beams from an amped Legion of Doom
- Destroyed the Crystal Heart, a relic maintaining a shield that King Sombra could not go through, by accident; the combined power of three alicorns plus Starlight Glimmer was needed to restore it
- [Base] Survived an all-out blast from Celestia (albeit with permanent damage)
- [Unknown, likely Base] Survived the entire Changeling Hive exploding point-blank (26 gigatons) (Island)
- [Love-amped] Took a city-wide blast from a love-amped Princess Cadence
- [Love-amped] Nearly killed Princess Celestia equus e equus in a beam struggle
- [Bewitched] Broke a scared Twilight's shield
- [Bewitched] Easily one-shot Starlight Glimmer
- [2nd Stage] Halted an entire squadron of pegasi mid-flight
- [3rd Stage] No-sold and ate a blast from Shining Armor, the captain of Canterlot's royal guard
- [Post-Discord] Proved a complete even match for Twilight Sparkle
"This is a draconequus. It has the head of the pony, and the body of all sorts of other things!"
- Twilight, Celestia, and Luna were powerful enough for Cosmos to possess
- Was actively destroying the very fabric of reality (Unknown, at most Universal+)
- Crashed into Chaosville from an unknown dimension through sheer momentum (Immeasurable)
- The Pony of Shadows' last resort to control a corrupted form of Celestia
- Completely recreated the world she lived in into one under her rule (Universal+)
- [Rainbow Dash] Considered the fastest pony in Equestria
- [Rainbow Dash] Created a country-sized shockwave as a young child (5.5 teratons) (Small Country)
- [All + Princesses, save for Rarity] Pulled the Moon close to the ground (Mach 1,852 - 4.2% c, 3.5 yottatons - 1.4 ronnatons altogether) (Massively Hypersonic+ - Sub-Relativistic, Large Planet)
- 6 skilled unicorns raised the Sun every morning before Celestia (1.9 - 7.5 megafoe, 13.3 - 26.5 c per pony) (Multi-Solar System , FTL)
- Some regular unicorns shoot to the moon in a second (3.2% c - 3.8 c) (Sub-Relativistic - FTL)
Bill Cipher
Despite how powerful Bill Cipher may seem, even he has his fair share of weaknesses. Bill is enormously cocky, preferring coercion and schemes rather immediate destruction (though he's willing to do this as well, like with Time Baby). He's also desperate for a way to continue his weirdness and will do practically anything, even forgoing common sense--this was what got him stuck in Stanley Pines' mind and ultimately killed.
Bill's singular eye is also a weak point, as it's one of he few parts of his body sensitive to extreme pain. Whether it be something as harmless as spray paint or as dangerous as a dinosaur head ripping it out. Even his own attacks can be reflected into it.
On the more defensive side of things, Bill's powers cannot affect anything that is surrounded or coated in unicorn hair. This is seen in his fight with the Shacktron, where attacks on the Shacktron's body did nothing its limbs were still vulnerable. Individually, Bill cannot enter attack the minds of any entity with a metal plate grafted to their skull (though he may still access one's dreams).
Most importantly, there are two sure-fire ways to defeat Bill entirely. One way revolved around an ancient prophecy, where ten destined individuals would stand upon a zodiac, which could defeat Bill. The other method ultimately erased him from existence: Memory erasure. His fate was sealed when he was tricked into entering Stanley Pines' mind as it was being erased, trapping him and negating his powers.
Oh, and synthesized music; he hates that shit. Put on some Daft Punk and gg no re.
The Lord of Chaos is hard to kill but not impossible. Discord is quite cocky and arrogant, viewing himself as better than other creatures. As a result, he rarely takes fights seriously unless he or his friends are in mortal danger. This low sense of security has led him to be tricked by weaker enemies in the past.
Another point of vulnerability is how chaos magic, despite its power, is still magic. In living beings it is their essence and life force, and is thus succeptible to being drained or negated by certain abilities. Even when magic is used up to perform something like a summoning spell, the summons are able to be negated and the magic used can soaked up by specific entities (like the Changeling Kingdom's throne).
His relationship with Fluttershy is a weakness as well; he is highly protective of her, willing to risk his life or fall for what he knows is a trap if it's possible she's hurt.
Discord's biggest weakness, however, is his conceptuality. As a being of pure chaos, he struggles against any attack or defense that utilizes the concepts of order and harmony, which twice banished him to stone via the Elements of Harmony--this may also act as a way to kill him off for good should the offender decide to.
On one occasion, he realized that many ponies in town felt odd about his relationship with Fluttershy, and so he began to fear he was too chaotic for her and that she'd leave him when she saw his home was during their tea party. So Discord forced himself and his house to look and act normal. His powers skewed as a result, turning him ghostly. If Fluttershy hadn't enacted mildly chaotic scenes, Discord may have disappeared forever, serving as a form of death. That's right--he almost died by simping.
Before we get to verdicts...
The pan-dimensional elephant in the room
A commonly cited argument suggests that the Gravity Falls multiverse encompasses 11 spatial dimensions, as evidenced by the pan-dimensional aliens from Trilazzx Beta. These aliens are said to have feared Bill, which makes sense. However, there's a fundamental misunderstanding of the term 'pandimensional.'
Contrary to popular belief, being pandimensional does not inherently mean one exists in "higher" dimensions. Rather, 'pandimensional' in this context denotes existence across multiple parallel dimensions--a virtual omnipresence rather than something distinctly 11-D. Corroborating this is Ford describing the aliens as having a poor sense of direction; existing in 11 different realities certainly would give you a hard time figuring out where you are.
Now, for argument's sake, let's entertain the notion that these beings do reside in higher spatial dimensions. Even then, the logic within Gravity Falls suggests that beings from lower dimensions can still inflict harm on those from higher dimensions; this doesn't elevate the lower-dimensional beings to some infinite strength status. As a case in point, consider Exwhylia, a flat, 2-dimensional realm devoid of width. Despite their limited dimensional existence, its residents were adept enough to cause lacerations on Ford's head.
"Threat to the wider multiverse"
Bill is often referenced as a formidable threat to the entirety of the multiverse, which is deemed infinite in scope. However, this should not be misconstrued to imply that Bill has the raw power to obliterate the entire multiverse in a single act of whim.
Rather, his threat is derived from the Nightmare Realm's unique status as a conduit between dimensions, providing Bill with access to every dimension within the multiverse and the means to carry out his chaotic deeds.
A fair comparison would be how a power-hungry dictator threatens a continent as they would eventually conquer it if they maintained power. But that doesn't mean the actual continent would be to rubble with their bare fists.
Dream world/mindscape scaling
While some argue mindscapes and dreams in MLP's cosmology are illusory, evidence suggests otherwise. Dreams here aren't just illusions but physical realms that can be entered and altered. When individuals access these realms, their physical forms often go with them. This can occur via teleportation as well. The Tantabus, birthed from Luna's own insecurities, almost grew powerful enough to infiltrate Equestria and transform it into "a living nightmare." Given magic scales physically to the user as shown multiple times throughout this blog, the word "powerful" holds weight here.
Dreams can also have objects physically ripped from them, like when Celestia pulled a sapient vampire pony from a dream into Equestria, further solidifying them as alternate universes.
Another key point is that, while the infinite hallway is described as metaphorical, metaphors take physical form here, as shown in Twilight's and Big Mac's minds. For example, Twilight's mindscape was flooded with a large purple mass that represented her repressed stresses and emotions, and when she exited the mindscape it oozed directly from Big Mac's head in the real world. Lastly, Luna's merger Ponyville's estimated 2,000 dreamscapes was taxing to her physically, describing the act as taking "all of her strength." Similarly, when Celestia's magic reformatted multiple cities' worth of dreams, she expressed physical pain and was stated to be too weak to resist external mind control.
Discord's meteor shower
When Discord flew from the Horsehead Nebula to Earth only to discover he traveled a week into the past, we observe an apparent feat of immeasurable speed. Some argue against its validity, however their arguments lack substantial backing.
Some believe that Discord's temporal journey was due to some magical spell. But this is entirely false; he outright stated he "flew too fast," and using intentional time travel to appear a week earlier on accident wouldn't make sense for the draconequus.
Another argument assumes the My Little Pony universe dictates time-travel as a consequence of surpassing light speed. Yet, Luna and Celestia regularly move celestial bodies at speeds that surpassing light without any temporal displacement. Even then, Discord is immune to logic as a whole, so it's unlikely he'd be bound by such laws. A theory about the "anachronistic crystals" aiding his time-travel has also surfaced. However, the MLP franchise has made no mention of these crystals before or after this comic. Plus, there is simply no evidence these crystals are any different from normal ones--"anachronistic" simply means "chronologically misplaced," which Discord himself certainly is here.
It's also suggested that Discord lied the entire ordeal to meet with Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but even then, why wouldn't he just wait until a better time when they're all together, or rather set up a non-supernatural circumstance where they can hang out? There's no reason he'd craft such an elaborate lie for something as simple as him wanting to play with his friends--especially Fluttershy!
Finally, there are other feats that back up immeasurability in My Little Pony, particularly Celestia and Luna being able to reformat every dream in at least Ponyville and Canterlot. Even if spreading across these dreams seems like a range feat and not speed, manually warping and moving objects in these dreams and processing them all at once in a finite amount of time would certainly be considered immeasurable at least in reaction speeds.
Can Bill travel to other dimensions?
Most likely not.
In "Gravity Falls," Bill Cipher's capacity to traverse the multiverse seems limited. Although he's had ample opportunities, he hasn't shown easy movement between universes. Confined to the Nightmare Realm for a trillion years, Bill mainly connected with Gravity Falls by projecting into the residents' minds. His entrance into the dimension came through manipulation, using Blendin Blandin to acquire a rift in space-time, which then spilled the Nightmare Realm into the town. Given his powers, one might expect Bill, in physical form, to swiftly move between spaces or craft a portal, to a version of Gravity Falls without a weirdness barrier. But when he creates portals inside the Fearamid, they only lead outside the structure. Some may attribute this wormhole limiation to the barrier," but there's no solid proof it extends to other dimensions, making Bill's true interdimensional prowess debatable.
Team Bill Cipher
Discord and Bill present intriguing contrasts in terms of capabilities and power. When analyzing their raw strength, Discord seems to have an edge. In durability, however, both appear evenly matched, with neither exhibiting the ability to substantially impact the other over an extended period.
While Discord possesses mental manipulation abilities that might threaten Bill under specific circumstances, its practical application is limited. Bill, on the other hand, would not be predisposed to making himself vulnerable in this way during combat. Additionally, there's no conclusive evidence to suggest that Discord can fully obliterate minds.
In evaluating speed, it's noteworthy that many of Discord's prominent displays, like moving as an asteroid or unintentionally traveling back in time, relate more to travel than combat. By contrast, Bill's feats, such as adjusting his size to that of a galaxy, suggest that he might have a significant advantage in combat speed.
Bill's capability to deconstruct matter could be pivotal. Discord's most impressive regeneration feat is recovering from dispersion, but Bill's molecular disassembly skill might challenge this ability. Given Bill's speed advantage, there's a potential for him to utilize this skill effectively against Discord.
However, Discord's Astral Projection and chaos manifestation introduce complexities. The scope and limitations of these powers remain underexplored. For instance, the effectiveness of Astral Projection in a compromised state is uncertain. Similarly, Discord's claim of residing in the hearts of those seeking order, interpreted from the MLP comics is ambiguous in its applicability to Bill.
Bill, originating from a distinct dimension with an astral form in a state of quantum uncertainty, might present challenges for Discord's abilities to destroy Bill conventionally. Moreover, Bill's awareness, possibly due to his fourth-wall-breaking nature, could allow him to strategically retreat to his mindscape.
While Discord's primary strategy might involve relegating Bill to another dimension, his less frequent use of this tactic and comparative speed disadvantage may impede its success.
Both entities rarely exhibit their full potential, leading to a balanced match-up. Bill's hair-trigger temper, rapid capabilities, and in-character strategies may tilt the odds in his favor. However, if Discord discerns Bill's threat level, he might promptly decide to conclude the battle.
In sum, this battle appears closely contested. While the victor may not conclusively "defeat" the other, Bill's attributes, based on the presented interpretations of their powers and scaling, seem to afford him the slight advantage he needs to win.
Discord's stats are daunting, but Bill's superior speed, combat skill and overall ruthlessness were more than capable of playing this chord to death.
Team Discord
This battle is admittedly much closer than anticipated. Both possess reality-warping powers, but Discord's abilities seem broader and more versatile, allowing him to edge out.
Discord is potentially Multiversal+ level (as inferred from scaling above beings like Celestia and Luna). Bill's power, at best, is Low Multiversal level scaling to the Nightmare Realm shaking--and this is being generous with his best feats.
As for their speeds, Discord has demonstrated more consistent immeasurable feats, such as scaling to Celestia's dream-shaping or Discord accidentally traveling in time. Bill's best falls under billions to quadrillions of times FTL. Assuming shaking the nightmare realm and "echoing through infinity" are valid speed feats, Bill would be faster, but that's an Olympic-level reach.
Regarding durability, Discord possesses conceptual immortality tied to chaos, making him harder to affect and granting him far higher levels of regeneration than Bill can deal with, especially since he lacks any form of conceptual manipulation. Since Bill also lacks a physical form, durability is a moot point. Many arguments that try to scale Bill higher, such as scaling him to the pan-dimensional aliens, rely heavily on speculation without solid context, so we cannot accept them.
While Bill has some abilities Discord has little resistance towards, Discord boasts a broader skill set overall. For instance, while Bill can manipulate time, he hasn't exhibited time travel. Discord has created entire physical universes, while Bill's closest equivalent is illusory. While Bill is dimension-bound unless a rift opens, Discord seamlessly transitions between realities. Discord can also instantly manipulate minds, whereas Bill needs a deal to access someone's psyche.
On that note, Bill could also access Discord's mind, but it's a risky venture without guaranteed success. Bill needs to be let into people's minds, whereas entities like Princess Luna, who Discord upscales from, don't. Even then, Discord has neutralized the powers of those inside, which could happen to Bill (if he doesn't erase Cipher outright).
In terms of power sources, Discord embodies the concept of chaos, gaining strength from it. Bill, being an agent of chaos, would inadvertently power up Discord during any altercation. These amps only happened to Bill during Weirdmageddon, which required specific conditions to set up.
Intellectually, Discord has outsmarted beings like Twilight Sparkle, who can calculate infinite possibilities, granting him intelligence that seems, at the very least, comparable to Bill's. Given this, plus his speed, he should have plenty of time to outwit and outperform Bill's abilities, which should be easy; Discord seems more focused with his powers, while Bill's ruthlessness and eagerness to cause mayhem wherever possible are more exploitable.
Ultimately, this may have been the closest fight he's ever been in, but Discord's superior stats, better trickery and literally-chaotic immortality gave him the edge he needed to Kill Bill.
Bill Cipher
Far more ruthless and experienced
Could potentially match in speed and reactions
Can match and counter some of Discord's powers
Likely just as cunning and manipulative
Could link with Chaosville and drain Discord
Could potentially use the Bewitching Bell...
Easier to draw
Alex Hirsch and Neil Cicierega
Likely eclipsed in overall power
Less evidence for immeasurable speeds
More exploitable weaknesses, especially physically
Few counters to regeneration or conceptuality
More limited in arsenal and abilities
Has no abilities Discord hasn't seen before
Has been duped by far simpler tricks
Can't enter Discord's mind without a deal
...but also fall victim to the bell himself.
Better evidence for taking the stat trinity
Bill's mere existence could amp him
At least as smart when compared to Twilight
Far better healing and immortality
Harder to convetionally kill for good
Can match and counter most of Bill's abilities
Way more tools and tricks up his sleeve
More ways to end the fight, such as magic absorption
John de Lancie and Eurobeat Odyssey
Not as ageless or skilled in extended combat
Less direct physical feats of destructive capacity
Could possibly be slower if Bill's given leeway
Bill linking with Chaosville could mean game over
Vulnerable to having his magic stolen via the Bell
Far cockier and prone to showboating
Final Tally
Team Bill Cipher (1) - Smashor
Team Discord (10) - Matti, Lanturn, Garf, Keith, Twily, Mortadela, SpongeGod, Bluegatito, DBEmerald, server poll